Board of Review


How to Sign Up For a Board of Review

A board of review is the last step to gaining your next rank.  After you have had all of your requirements signed off and completed a scoutmaster conference, you can request a board of review.  The process for requesting a Board of Review has changed slightly.  There are two steps to scheduling a board of review:

1.  After you have had your scoutmaster conference and are ready for a board of review, please show your book to the Troop Recorder (currently Mrs. Hills) so that your Troopmaster record can be updated.

2.  Send a request to Mrs. Mangalick at  She will verify that all of your information has been entered correctly in Troopmaster.  Mrs. Mangalick will then email you either an approval or will let you know what is missing from your record.

3.  After you hear back from Mrs. Mangalick that she has confirmed your requirements, please schedule your Board of Review at this SignupGenius linkBe sure to sign up in the SCOUT REQUEST section.  On the night of your Board of Review, please arrive in full Class A uniform and have your scout book with you.

What can you expect during a Board of Review?

The board of review panel consists of three parents (other than your own) who ask you questions about what you have learned while working on your rank and also about scouting principles and the troop in general.  The interviews usually last 15-30 minutes depending on the rank you are going for.  You should wear your full Class A uniform and be prepared with your signed scout book and the Scout Law and Scout Oath.


What your scout does:

It is your scout's responsibility to request a board of review, not yours.  Please have your scout follow the steps outlined above to initiate a board of review. 

What you do:

Troop 834 will conduct Boards of Review every third Tuesday at the Shack.  A Board of Review is the last step that a scout must go through to achieve a rank.  The scout is interviewed by three parents who determine whether the scout has is ready for to be promoted to the new rank.  

You will not do anything for your scout's board of review as parents are not allowed to sit on the panel for their own scout's review.  However, your help is needed with other scout's boards of review.  We need three parents who are not ASMs to participate in each review panel.  Interview questions are provided for each rank.  You will not need to prepare questions in advance.  Please sign up here to participate in a Board of Review. Each family is expected to participate in one board of review panel each year. Your help is greatly appreciated!