Merit Badges
Want to become a Merit Badge Counselor?
If you are a parent who has some subject matter expertise to share or just wants to help the scouts with their advancement, please consider becoming a merit badge counselor. Merit badge counselors are currently managed by the local council. You can find more information on the Golden Gate Area Council website in the Merit Badge Counselor Guide.
Merit Badges
There are over 130 merit badges available in Boy Scouts. Topics range from life skills like Emergency Preparedness and Cooking to interests such as Mammal Studies, Robotics, and Video Games. The purpose of the merit badge program is to allow Scouts to examine subjects to determine if they would like to further pursue them as a career or vocation. Some merit badges are required for the Eagle Scout rank and are used to prepare Scouts for life as adults and citizens who are prepared to make a contribution to their society.
To earn a Merit Badge (MB) a Scout needs to:
Review the list of Merit Badges and identify one of interest.
The Scout reviews the requirements that appear in the current Boy Scout Requirements Book and in the current BSA Merit Badge pamphlet for the award.Secure a Buddy.
At least two scouts must be working on a merit badge at the same time.Contact the Scoutmaster (SM) or an ASM designated by the SM (i.e. any Eagle Advisor). The SM, or an ASM designated by the SM, talks to you about your goals and helps identify a Troop or outside Merit Badge Counselor for the Scout to contact.
Request a Merit Badge card (Blue Card) from the Scoutmaster.
With new Scouts, the SM explains how the Blue Card is filled out and reviews the MB process. The SM or an ASM designated by the SM signs the front of the Blue Card so the Scout can initiate contact with the Merit Badge Counselor.Fill-in his personal information and title of the Merit Badgein the appropriate places on the Blue Card.
Note: Our council is the Golden Gate Area Council. Our District is the Meridian District.Contact the Merit Badge Counselor to arrange Merit Badge Sessions and use the Buddy System while attending.
Fulfill the requirements during scheduled sessions and/or on your own time.
Get Blue Card Signatures by the counselor showing completion. Requirements cannot be signed off by the scouts' parent.
Get the Scoutmaster's signature when complete.
Turn in the Blue Card to the Troop Recorder/Advancement Chair
Only after both the merit badge counselor and the Scoutmaster have signed the blue card should it be turned in for credit
When will I receive my merit badge patch?
Merit badge patches are purchased by the Troop Advancement Chair and awarded at each Court of Honor. Troop 834 typically holds Courts of Honor in the Winter (January/February), Spring (May) and Fall (August/September).