Troop Leadership


The scouts elect their leaders and these leaders, (not the adults), decide what to do at meetings and what trips to take during monthly Patrol Leader Council (PLC) meetings. Scouts learn group dynamics and leadership through the rigors of outdoor adventures. A Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the entire troop for a six-month term.


Our Scoutmaster Corps includes 12 fully-trained adults with a combined scouting experience of more than 100 years! Every Assistant Scout Master (ASM) is Youth Protection Trained and AB506 compliant. We follow these rules fully. Our ASMs take training in Wilderness First Aid, Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat. Assuring the scouts’ safety is the adult scouters’ primary responsibility.

Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters (ASMs)

Our Scoutmaster is Mr. Alec Hurd. Along with the Assistant Scoutmasters (ASMs), Mr. Hurd mentors and guides the boys in order to help them lead themselves.

Our Assistant Scoutmaster Corps includes 14 fully-trained adults (15, including Mr. Hurd) with a combined scouting experience of more than 100 years! Every ASM is Youth Protection Trained; we follow these rules fully. Our ASMs take training in Wilderness First Aid, Safe Swim Defense, and Safety Afloat. Assuring the scouts’ safety is the adult scouters’ primary responsibility.

Our Assistant Scoutmasters are led by Scoutmaster Hurd.  Assistant Scoutmasters are volunteer parents and parent alumni who work with the scouts on advancement; lead outings such as hikes, canoeing, camping, and backpacking trips; and, supervise the scouts during meetings.  If you are interested in becoming an assistant scoutmaster, please contact Alec Hurd.

Our Assistant Scoutmasters are:

Troop Parent Committee (TPC) 

The Troop Parent Committee or TPC is a group of volunteer parents who keep our troop running smoothly.  The TPC handles the administrative duties for the troop and consists of: